There is SO much food content you can write about in your June email newsletters! If you’re a food bloggers or food content creator, this is when we’re spoiled for choice. So let’s get writing!
After struggling to make root vegetables interesting for almost 6 months, June is like a breath of fresh air for food bloggers and food content creators. This is when writing your email newsletters gets a lot easier and I’ve got loads of ideas to help you out this month. A lot of these ideas also carry over into July and, to a certain extent, August – so you can plan even further ahead!
June brings us Father’s Day, as well as school graduations which run through the entire month. And, while Canada Day (July 1) and Independence Day (US July 4) are the first week of July, you’ll want to start dripping content out for these in mid to late June. Here are some ideas:
- grilling recipes or Father’s day menu ideas
- Father’s Day gift guide for the dad who cooks (grilling tools and accessories, cookbooks, specialty condiments, cool kitchen gadgets etc) – don’t forget affiliate links where allowed!
- red and white food (Canada Day) or red, white and blue food (July 4)
- Canada Day or July 4 menu ideas for a grilling night, potlucks, appetizers etc
- grad party and menu ideas: outdoor movie night, dry grad, morning after breakfast buffet
We’re gearing up for berry season but there’s loads of other ideas
- strawberries (raspberries and blueberries may be on the way in warmer regions)
- rhubarb (tail end)
- peas
- leafy greens
- cherries (late June through July)
- summer cocktails, mocktails and other iced drinks
- grilling recipes
- seafood
- frozen desserts (popsicles, ice cream)
- no-bake desserts
- potluck and picnic dishes
- homemade BBQ sauces, spice rubs and marinades
- slow cookers, air fryers and instant pots as ways to cook and keep the kitchen cool

Just like in May (and continuing through July and August, there are lots of opportunities to focus on outdoor cooking and entertaining. But don’t just focus on grilling! This time of year people are cooking on portable camp stoves, charcoal BBQs, over campfires, in RVs, on the beach or at their Air BnB. And they’re eating while moving!
- grilling, smoker, BBQ recipes
- shopping meal prep for travel (don’t forget airplane snacks too!)
- tips on hot weather food safety and how to pack a cooler
- recipes you can cook on camp stoves, campfires or in tiny kitchens
- camp kitchen hygiene and animal safety
- road trip or airplane snacks
- how to grocery shop while on vacation
- kid snacks for day camps
- how to do any of the above suggestions on a budget!
Canning and preserving don’t get into full swing until later in the summer but now is a great time to talk about how to prep for the season: tools, tips, books and blog posts!
People entertain a lot during the summer. Casual get togethers, out of town family, weddings, wedding showers, engagement parties, sports team windups… it’s a long list!
- emails that focus on menu ideas for any of these events – especially easy food that isn’t labour intensive
- no cook dinner ideas
- make ahead dishes that can be eaten cold
This is just a smattering of ideas – take them and run with them. Shape them to fit your niche and content. The hardest part about June and July is narrowing it down to a few topics.
Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your June newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

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