February Email Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

February Email Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

February is all about Valentine’s Day. Work ahead with these February email newsletter ideas for food bloggers and food content creators.

However you feel about Valentine’s day, there’s no escaping it when you’re a food content creator! There’s just not that much going on in February. We’re still well into winter in the northern hemisphere with few options for seasonal produce and the busy food holiday season behind us.

But, there are other things put in your emails and you can write about Valentine’s day in a way that works for you and your audience.


Super Bowl is February 9th this year – a great time to do appetizers, game day recipes, slow cooker dishes like chili that can stay simmering throughout the day.

Ramadan runs from February 28 – March 29 in 2025. You can start to drip out Ramadan content in mid- late February if this is popular content for your audience.

Easter and Passover are late in 2025 with both landing in mid April so you will have to do a little extra brainstorming to fill your emails for the rest of February and March if you don’t do a lot of Ramadan content.


There are multiple ways you can write about Valentine’s Day when it comes to food.

  1. Make it about the kids – focus on school treats or a special dessert or movie night at home
  2. Create Valentine’s day dinner menus from your recipe catalogue
    • family dinners
    • decadent romantic dinners for two
    • budget friendly romantic dinners
  3. Chocolate – desserts, how to make your own, making them together, taking a class
  4. Wine pairings – for that dinner menu you created above! Or how to set up a tasting at home
  5. Galentine’s day – a great alternate take on Valentine’s day. How to throw a girl’s night party and all the food the goes with it
  6. Turn Valentine’s Day into a day of spreading love and kindness to everyone instead of a romantic day. Suggest food gifts to make for neighbours or service providers or ways to make the day about beloved family and friends.
  7. Budget-friendly Valentine’s Day. Filet Mignon and lobster are not on a lot of budgets this year. Neither is eating out. Suggest budget and pantry friendly ways to make the day special.
  8. The anti-valentine – if Valentine’s day is really not you thing, embrace that too. You can talk about that with your readers and what you do instead (if anything) I guarantee you’ll have some agreeing with you!
Row of sugar cookies frosted for Valentine's day in red, white and pink designs. Text overlay reads "february email newsletter ideas for food content creators".


As mentioned above, groceries are expensive right now and, according to recent projections, they’re not going to drop in price any time soon. You don’t have to be a budget-friendly content creator to see that.

Incorporate that into your content in whatever way fits your audience: ingredient swaps, minimizing food waste, tutorials, shopping tips, pantry planning. It might be as simple as just acknowledging that you recognize shopping is challenging for a lot of people right now.


In a similar vein to budget conscious content, pantry challenges can be a great option this time of year when seasonal produce isn’t amazing.

  • Focus on recipes that use canned foods, frozen foods and pantry staples
  • challenge readers to “shop their pantry”
  • talk about the importance or rotating food to avoid waste – February is a great time for a pantry cleanup
  • using the food in our emergency kits and restocking them (more food rotation)


  • citrus
  • kale
  • cabbage
  • leeks
  • pineapple
  • mushrooms
  • forced rhubarb
  • root veggies


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit.!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your February newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

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Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

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Vanilla Cupcakes with a white frosting swirl and pink and red candy hearts. Text reads: February Email Newsletter Ideas for food content creators
June Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

June Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

There is SO much food content you can write about in your June email newsletters! If you’re a food bloggers or food content creator, this is when we’re spoiled for choice. So let’s get writing!

After struggling to make root vegetables interesting for almost 6 months, June is like a breath of fresh air for food bloggers and food content creators. This is when writing your email newsletters gets a lot easier and I’ve got loads of ideas to help you out this month. A lot of these ideas also carry over into July and, to a certain extent, August – so you can plan even further ahead!


June brings us Father’s Day, as well as school graduations which run through the entire month. And, while Canada Day (July 1) and Independence Day (US July 4) are the first week of July, you’ll want to start dripping content out for these in mid to late June. Here are some ideas:

  • grilling recipes or Father’s day menu ideas
  • Father’s Day gift guide for the dad who cooks (grilling tools and accessories, cookbooks, specialty condiments, cool kitchen gadgets etc) – don’t forget affiliate links where allowed!
  • red and white food (Canada Day) or red, white and blue food (July 4)
  • Canada Day or July 4 menu ideas for a grilling night, potlucks, appetizers etc
  • grad party and menu ideas: outdoor movie night, dry grad, morning after breakfast buffet


We’re gearing up for berry season but there’s loads of other ideas

  • strawberries (raspberries and blueberries may be on the way in warmer regions)
  • rhubarb (tail end)
  • peas
  • leafy greens
  • cherries (late June through July)
  • summer cocktails, mocktails and other iced drinks
  • grilling recipes
  • seafood
  • frozen desserts (popsicles, ice cream)
  • no-bake desserts
  • potluck and picnic dishes
  • homemade BBQ sauces, spice rubs and marinades
  • slow cookers, air fryers and instant pots as ways to cook and keep the kitchen cool
a bowl of ripe cherries with a text overlay outlining email newsletter ideas for June that are detailed in the article


Just like in May (and continuing through July and August, there are lots of opportunities to focus on outdoor cooking and entertaining. But don’t just focus on grilling! This time of year people are cooking on portable camp stoves, charcoal BBQs, over campfires, in RVs, on the beach or at their Air BnB.  And they’re eating while moving!

  • grilling, smoker, BBQ recipes
  • shopping meal prep for travel (don’t forget airplane snacks too!)
  • tips on hot weather food safety and how to pack a cooler
  • recipes you can cook on camp stoves, campfires or in tiny kitchens
  • camp kitchen hygiene and animal safety
  • road trip or airplane snacks
  • how to grocery shop while on vacation
  • kid snacks for day camps
  • how to do any of the above suggestions on a budget!


Canning and preserving don’t get into full swing until later in the summer but now is a great time to talk about how to prep for the season: tools, tips, books and blog posts!


People entertain a lot during the summer. Casual get togethers, out of town family, weddings, wedding showers, engagement parties, sports team windups… it’s a long list!

  • emails that focus on menu ideas for any of these events  – especially easy food that isn’t labour intensive
  • no cook dinner ideas
  • make ahead dishes that can be eaten cold

This is just a smattering of ideas – take them and run with them. Shape them to fit your niche and content. The hardest part about June and July is narrowing it down to a few topics.

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your June newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

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Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!

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a bowl of ripe cherries and text that reads June email newsletter ideas for food content creators

More Email Newsletter Ideas

May Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

May Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

May is the time of year where everyone starts to venture outdoors! And that means that there’s lots of fresh ideas for May newsletter content if you’re a food bloggers or food content creator.

May is when we start to feel like it’s safe to plan outdoor gatherings with a little more certainty when it comes to the weather. It’s warm but not stinking hot yet and the spring rain (or snow) has usually settled down!


There are multiple holidays in May: Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day (North America), Victoria Day Long Weekend (Canada) and Memorial Day Weekend (USA). All of them have a big food component.

  • Mexican dishes and drinks (both traditional and modern twists)
  • afternoon tea
  • brunches
  • desserts
  • easy to make breakfasts for mom (so the kids don’t destroy the kitchen)
  • pampering mom
  • picnics, BBQs and potlucks


A steady stream of in season produce is on the way now so be sure to take advantage of it with your evergreen content!

  • asparagus
  • strawberries
  • rhubarb
  • peas and pea shoots
  • artichokes
  • lettuces and baby spinach
  • other baby greens
a tray of afternoon tea desserts. A white rectangle overlay contains text outlining may email newsletter ideas that are detailed in the blog post


May is the month that grillers and smokers get serious. May also hosts what is, for many, the first camping weekend of the year which means cooking outdoors on campfires and cooking stoves and… road trips!

  • grilling recipes
  • smoker recipes
  • campfire cooking
  • cooking stove recipes
  • road trips and road trip snacks and meals
  • meal prep for camping

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your May newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!


Don’t forget there’s an entire month of food days and observances that are great inspiration for newsletter content as well as social media ideas. You can find a complete list of May Food Days for Food Bloggers here.

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Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

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Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


April Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

April Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

April is the time of year where we really start to see the first fresh, local produce start to make an appearance. Team that up seasonal holidays like Ramadan, Passover and Earth Day and there’s no shortage of April newsletter ideas for food bloggers and food content creators.

April offers up a wealth of content ideas for your email newsletters so now is the time to start writing and scheduling so they’re all ready to go next month.


In 2024, Easter is early (in March) so that means the major observances for April this year are Ramadan (which continues from March until April 10), Passover (April 22- April 30) and Earth Day (April 22). Each with their own unique food based traditions. That means lots of content ideas!

  • the food!
  • entertaining – small groups, large groups, casual, budget friendly, upscale, planning and prepping
  • kid friendly projects
  • classic traditions
  • modern twists on tradition
  • don’t forget leftovers!
  • sustainable ingredients
  • reducing food waste
  • trying a local diet (100km diet etc)


April can be a wild ride depending on where you live and how angry winter has been! Not all of these foods will be in season everywhere just yet (but they’re coming!)

  • asparagus
  • lettuce – a wide variety
  • spinach
  • radishes
  • rhubarb
  • fiddleheads
  • ramps
  • greenhouse produce: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and strawberries
a fresh green spring salad with greens, asparagus, baby peas, cucumber adn radishes. Text overlaid on the images suggests ideas for april newsletters for food content creators.


Early spring means brunch is back and patios are opening up – maybe even the one in your back yard! Start putting those brunch recipes and entertaining ideas out there. People will be looking for them!


People plan ahead for Mother’s Day in North America so it’s appropriate to start dripping content out in late April newsletters:

  • brunch and lunch
  • afternoon tea
  • cakes, pastries and desserts
  • outdoor dining
  • dinner menus
  • prep ahead


Veggie gardening is food content and more and more people are interested in growing their own food! There is interest in small space gardening, container gardening and full scale backyard growing… and what they can cook with their new bounty!


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your April newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

** remember that you cannot use your direct Amazon affiliate product links in your emails but you can link to blog posts that contain Amazon affiliate links and you can link to your Amazon influencer shop. Check the rules of any other affiliate programs you use before including your links.

More Email Newsletter Ideas

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

Want More Tips?

Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


March Email Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

March Email Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

This March is all about St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and National Nutrition Month in the food content creation world. Work ahead with these March email newsletter ideas for food bloggers and food content creators.

March is often a challenging month for food content. It’s still winter but people are growing tired of root vegetables and they’re looking for lighter, brighter flavors after months of comfort food. But, this year (2024), Easter and Ramadan are both in March so that creates a huge opportunity for newsletter content creation!


Easter and Ramadan are both prominent holidays taking place in March. Ramadan starts on March 10th and runs until April 9th. Good Friday is March 29th and Easter Sunday is on March 31st) Each have their own unique food based traditions. That means lots of content ideas!

  • the food!
  • entertaining – small groups, large groups, casual, budget friendly, upscale, planning and prepping
  • kid friendly projects
  • classic traditions
  • modern twists on tradition
  • don’t forget leftovers!


Early, locally grown spring produce starts to appear towards the end of the month and is very location dependent but, most North Americans will start to see:

  • asparagus
  • California strawberries
  • locally grown tomatoes (where greenhouse agriculture is prominent)
  • locally grown cucumbers (where greenhouse agriculture is prominent)
  • locally grown peppers (where greenhouse agriculture is prominent)
  • root veggies, hardy greens (cabbage, kale), leeks, squash, potatoes, and citrus fruit are all still in season


St. Patrick’s is on March 17th. Here are some ideas you can feature:

  • anything green!
  • incorporating Guinness into recipes
  • traditional Irish foods like soda bread, corned beef and cabbage, beef stew, Shepherds Pie, etc
  • creative novelty treats celebrating the day for kids


For health and wellness professionals, March is Nutrition Month in Canada and the US. Your professional body will probably have lots of pertinent info and talking points that you can use in your email communication!


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your March newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

** remember that you cannot use your direct Amazon affiliate product links in your emails but you can link to blog posts that contain Amazon affiliate links and you can link to your Amazon influencer shop. Check the rules of any other affiliate programs you use before including your links.

More Email Newsletter Ideas

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"


Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


Email Quick Tip: Call to Action Buttons

Email Quick Tip: Call to Action Buttons

This quick tip works equally well for email newsletters and product pages or product marketing launch pages. We’re talking about buttons – with a strong call to action.

I’m always looking for quick, easy ways to improve click throughs in emails or on product pages. Because sometimes, the simplest tweaks can result in the biggest rewards. And it’s always fascinating to me how the smallest change can completely alter a person’s behaviour!

So today, let’s talk about buttons. Particularly buttons with a strong call to action!


Most people who read your emails or scroll your product listings are probably doing so on their phones . ***

Clicking on text links on our phone is always a little more challenging than clicking while on a desktop or laptop – or even a tablet. 

Big thumbs, small screens.

This is especially true when the links are short, one or two word text links.

If you’re not already, start using buttons in your emails and on web pages where you have an important call to action you want the reader to take.

They’re big, they’re bold, they stand out and, they’re easy to click when you’re holding a phone.

And unlike 5 or 10 years ago where including a button meant doing some coding, now they’re as simple as drag and drop so there’s no reason not to.


When you use a button, it’s important to use strong call to action (CTA) language that makes it clear what clicking the button will do.

Strong CTAs you might want to use include:


You can also use an arrow icon on the button to make it even clearer that something is going to happen when they click that rectangle.

Not that long ago I started transitioning clients from using the name of the recipe on a button to using a strong CTA.

So this…

Static green button with white text that reads Chocolate Chip Cookies

Changed to this:

Static green button with white text that reads GET THE RECIPE NOW in capital letters. A white arrow emoji prompts the reader to click the button.

Every single one of them saw an uptick on click throughs by changing the CTA on the buttons. It was amazing what such a small change could do.

If you’re not already, try using buttons in your emails and on your website when you need the reader to take action.

If you are using buttons, make sure you’re using simple, strong language that directs the reader to take action.

Track your results and see the difference!

*** Not all email lists are the same. Don’t assume your readers are mostly mobile users even if that is the industry norm. Always check your data to see what your list is doing and tailor your emails accordingly!

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

Want more quick tips to help you with your email and digital product marketing? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


Pinterest pin with an image of colourful frosted donuts. A text overlay reads: Quick Tip: improve click throughs in email newsletters. Quick tips for food content creators.