February Email Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

February Email Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

February is all about Valentine’s Day. Work ahead with these February email newsletter ideas for food bloggers and food content creators.

However you feel about Valentine’s day, there’s no escaping it when you’re a food content creator! There’s just not that much going on in February. We’re still well into winter in the northern hemisphere with few options for seasonal produce and the busy food holiday season behind us.

But, there are other things put in your emails and you can write about Valentine’s day in a way that works for you and your audience.


Super Bowl is February 9th this year – a great time to do appetizers, game day recipes, slow cooker dishes like chili that can stay simmering throughout the day.

Ramadan runs from February 28 – March 29 in 2025. You can start to drip out Ramadan content in mid- late February if this is popular content for your audience.

Easter and Passover are late in 2025 with both landing in mid April so you will have to do a little extra brainstorming to fill your emails for the rest of February and March if you don’t do a lot of Ramadan content.


There are multiple ways you can write about Valentine’s Day when it comes to food.

  1. Make it about the kids – focus on school treats or a special dessert or movie night at home
  2. Create Valentine’s day dinner menus from your recipe catalogue
    • family dinners
    • decadent romantic dinners for two
    • budget friendly romantic dinners
  3. Chocolate – desserts, how to make your own, making them together, taking a class
  4. Wine pairings – for that dinner menu you created above! Or how to set up a tasting at home
  5. Galentine’s day – a great alternate take on Valentine’s day. How to throw a girl’s night party and all the food the goes with it
  6. Turn Valentine’s Day into a day of spreading love and kindness to everyone instead of a romantic day. Suggest food gifts to make for neighbours or service providers or ways to make the day about beloved family and friends.
  7. Budget-friendly Valentine’s Day. Filet Mignon and lobster are not on a lot of budgets this year. Neither is eating out. Suggest budget and pantry friendly ways to make the day special.
  8. The anti-valentine – if Valentine’s day is really not you thing, embrace that too. You can talk about that with your readers and what you do instead (if anything) I guarantee you’ll have some agreeing with you!
Row of sugar cookies frosted for Valentine's day in red, white and pink designs. Text overlay reads "february email newsletter ideas for food content creators".


As mentioned above, groceries are expensive right now and, according to recent projections, they’re not going to drop in price any time soon. You don’t have to be a budget-friendly content creator to see that.

Incorporate that into your content in whatever way fits your audience: ingredient swaps, minimizing food waste, tutorials, shopping tips, pantry planning. It might be as simple as just acknowledging that you recognize shopping is challenging for a lot of people right now.


In a similar vein to budget conscious content, pantry challenges can be a great option this time of year when seasonal produce isn’t amazing.

  • Focus on recipes that use canned foods, frozen foods and pantry staples
  • challenge readers to “shop their pantry”
  • talk about the importance or rotating food to avoid waste – February is a great time for a pantry cleanup
  • using the food in our emergency kits and restocking them (more food rotation)


  • citrus
  • kale
  • cabbage
  • leeks
  • pineapple
  • mushrooms
  • forced rhubarb
  • root veggies


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit.!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your February newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

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Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

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Vanilla Cupcakes with a white frosting swirl and pink and red candy hearts. Text reads: February Email Newsletter Ideas for food content creators
January Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

January Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

As we turn the calendar into a new year, January can offer up a slower pace for food content creators. But, there’s still a lot of great email newsletter content ideas for food bloggers!

January is a month where it’s really important to have a good handle on who your newsletter subscribers are. There are a lot of ways to approach January content so think carefully about how you want to proceed.


January is often viewed as a “fresh start” in terms of health and wellness. If you’re not a health professional proceed with caution here. Avoid reference to weight loss or restrictive eating – unless that is your audience! (Ie if you’re a keto content creator, then obviously you will focus on Keto content because that is your audience). Remember that the words you choose, and how you use them, matters.

You can try focusing on:

  • whole foods
  • lighter, simpler meals
  • mood boosting foods
  • moderation over restriction
  • inclusion of foods over exclusion of foods
  • nutritious snacks that fuel us through the cold and outdoor activities
  • foods that promote a sustainable environment
  • implementing small changes that make us feel more alive and vibrant


There are lots of other fresh starts to explore in January that don’t focus on restrictive eating or diet culture.

  • pantry/kitchen clean-up and organization strategies
  • focusing on kitchen sustainability
  • evaluating kitchen tools/containers/dishes/appliances – what needs repair, what can be sold or given away, what needs to be disposed of (don’t forget you can recommend items and use your affiliate programs**)
  • minimizing instead of maximizing


There’s always a bit of a spending hangover after the holiday season and 2025 looks like it won’t be an exception. How can you address this in your emails?

  • budget boosting foods
  • budget friendly recipes
  • food swaps that reduce grocery bills
  • how to avoid kitchen waste (which also helps with budgeting!)
  • meal planning and prep (less like to waste food if you plan and prep)


With a fresh start to the year, a lot of people make the decision to embrace meal planning – whether it’s to be more organized in the new year, to better manage their food budget, to hopefully spend more time with family or as a form of self-care.

  • meal prep weekly menus
  • meal prep guides and tip
  • meal prep for different types of diets or family sizes (singles, couples, young kids etc)
  • meal prep for various appliances (air fryer, Instant Pot etc)
  • this is also a great time to promote meal plan templates or other digital products you might have or to offer a freebie to help build your list


  • root veg, squash, winter greens
  • kiwi, persimmons and pomegranates
  • citrus season is still in full swing
  • soups and stews
  • comfort foods
  • salads with bulk
  • bulky grains like barley, buckwheat, bulgar, farro
  • smoothies and bright, vibrant breakfast ideas


Start dripping out Valentine’s day content in your emails in the last week of January – earlier if this is a good fit for your audience. A few quick ideas…

  • Valentine menu ideas
  • Treats and sweets for school or your kids
  • Galentine’s Day planning

Check out my list of February Email Newsletter Ideas for more Valentine’s Day suggestions.


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit.!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your January newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

** remember that you cannot use your direct Amazon affiliate product links in your emails but you can link to blog posts that contain Amazon affiliate links and you can link to your Amazon influencer shop. Check the rules of any other affiliate programs you use before including your links.

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

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Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


a wicker basked filled with fresh foods, mostly fruits and vegetables. In front of the basked are more fresh foods including milk and salad dressings and canned fruits. Text on the image reads January email newsletter ideas.


December Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

December Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

December is a busy month for food content creators and the last big push in Q4. There’s no shortage of email newsletter ideas for food bloggers and food content creators. People are looking for entertaining ideas, last minute tips and recipes, homemade gifts, ideas to keep kids busy and more!

There’s more than enough ideas to keep you busy with food inspired newsletter content for December. I think we could easily send out an email a day in December and still have lots of ideas left over.

But, if you’re struggling with ideas for your food newsletter or you’ve just got too many things on your mind to brainstorm content for your newsletter audience, I’ve got a wealth of suggestions for you.

Note that this year, Christmas and Hanukkah are in alignment.


Christmas Eve: December 24th

Hanukkah: evening of December 25 to the evening of January 2

Christmas Day: December 25th

Boxing Day and/or St. Stephens Day: December 26th is a statutory holiday in many countries outside of the US. It’s a popular day for shopping, televised sports and hosting open houses and drop-in gatherings.

Kwanzaa: December 26-January 1st

New Year’s Eve: December 31st

New Year’s Day: January 1st


  • open houses, cocktail parties, dessert tables and buffets, brunches (another great buffet opportunity), Christmas dinner, skating parties, holiday light viewing walks and rides, New Year’s eve…
  • think about appetizers, desserts, drinks, items that can be made ahead of time (breakfast bakes and casseroles are very popular this year!)
  • entertaining on a budget
  • entertaining for different sized groups – from 3-4 people to big groups
  • recipes for festive drinks that can be made in large batches for a crowd (alcoholic and non-alcoholic options)


  • recipes for spice mixes, hot cocoa mixes, soup mixes, cookie or pancake dry mixes (you can layer all of these in pretty glass jars)
  • cookie and bar swap or platter recipes
  • recipes for candied nuts, jams and jellies, chocolates and candies
  • tutorials on how to put together an attractive cookie or bar platter
  • templates to make your own gift tags or tutorials on how to decorate and wrap the jars of spice mix, hot cocoa etc.


Lots of parents will have littles at home over the holidays and will be looking for things to keep them busy…

  • recipes kids can help with
  • cookie and bar decorating
  • homemade gifts from the kitchen kids can help with (assembling spice mixes, dry ingredients for soups or baking mixes, etc)


  • recipes that use up leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables
  • create a “leftovers” charcuterie board or turn leftover appies into a fun dinner night.
an image of gingerbread men and festively decorated sugar cookies. A text overlay reads "December email newsletter ideas for food content creators" and lists many of the ideas contained in the blog post


Ok this one is a bit different but hear me out. You could send an email to your list that has nothing to do with food. Everyone is stressed this time of year for a wide range of reasons.

Send an email reminding them they’ve got this! Offer up…

  • some relaxation or meditation techniques (going for a walk, some easy stretching, a relaxing activity that uses their hands like knitting or colouring, using a meditation app)
  • ways to cut corners while still having a fabulous holiday
  • sure fire, easy recipes that are impossible to screw up
  • how to combat loneliness – not everyone has family around at Christmas
  • ideas for giving back
  • something that reminds them it’s ok… it doesn’t have to be perfect!
  • some funny memes can also go a long way!


You can now share Amazon affiliate links in your emails (with proper disclosure) and, you can share a link to your Amazon affiliate shop (if you have one) or to blog posts that contain amazon affiliate links.

Don’t forget other affiliate programs you may be long to – share their links in your emails as well.

Last minute gift ideas and stocking stuffers are great gift guides to share in December.


Plan to start dripping out your New Year’s even content just after Christmas. I strongly recommend having this content prepped and scheduled in advance. The week between Christmas and New Year’s seems to exist in an alternate reality where we lose track of dates and time. If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a lot of it in your PJs!

You don’t want to feel pressure to do some work but there is a limited time to get New Year’s content out so prepping and scheduling is the way to go!


The next few months are a bit rough when it comes to seasonal foods but here’s what to look for:

  • root vegetables and squash
  • citrus fruits
  • pomegranates
  • kiwi
  • cranberries
  • winter greens (kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, collard greens etc)


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit. If your audience is mainly young singles, skip the kid content!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your December newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

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Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


Star shaped gingerbread cookies stacked and wrapped with a red and white ribbon. They're surrounded by candy canes, greenery and christmas ornaments


November Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

November Newsletter Ideas for Food Bloggers

November brings us into the heart of Q4 and there is an wealth of email newsletter possibilities for food bloggers and food content creators as people are not only looking for Thanksgiving ideas but they’re also starting to prep for Christmas and other December holidays.

As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletter idea posts, a lot of food content creators up their email send frequency as we get into Q4 – especially if their audience is focused on baking or entertaining. It’s a great way to give your traffic an additional boost through the season where RPMs tend to be at their highest.

This month, don’t forget Black Friday/Cyber Monday!

If you have products – digital or physical – plan your promotions and the emails and social media content to go with them now!  Get it done and scheduled to make your life easier.


Grey Cup (Canada): Nov 17
American Thanksgiving: November 28
Black Friday: November 29
Cyber Monday: December 2


  • Turkey: all things turkey – how to cook one, how to brine it, smoke it, air fry it, slow cook it, defrost it, stuff it, or cook it in the instant pot. Don’t forget leftovers for the week after Thanksgiving
  • Side Dishes: turkey’s great, but for many, it’s all about the side dishes. If you’re a niche blogger, dive in here with dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, keto-friendly etc
  • Dessert:  all things pumpkin and a lot of pie!
  • Turkey Alternatives: turkey isn’t for everyone. Vegans, vegetarians and small families are looking for other options
  • Friendsgiving: If you’ve got Chandler Bings in your life, you know what I’m talking about!
  • Leftovers: anything that helps use up leftovers and avoid food waste
  • Entertaining & Decor Ideas: y’all… pumpkin centerpieces are so flipping popular this year! Centrepieces, tableware and decor, cocktail presentation, appetizers, DIY tutorials etc

If you’re not American, you can start moving into Christmas and/or Hanukkah content. A lot content this time of year can double for Thanksgiving and the holidays: appetizers, sides, cocktails, baking etc.


Thanksgiving is a big football holiday.  Pull out your game day recipes: snacks, dips, wings, finger foods, chili – all the favourites!

Canadian Grey Cup is also anunderserved niche online – if you have a reasonably sized Canadian audience, this is another one to make note of.

**Don’t forget to add in vegetarian and vegan options as well as some alcohol-free beverages – all of these are continuing to grow in popularity and it’s rare to host a gathering these days that doesn’t include meat and alcohol-free guests!


There are things that everyone starts planning for early and they include:

  • their annual cookie platters
  • cookie swaps (bars are often included in these)
  • homemade gifts from the kitchen: candy, jarred baking and beverage mixes, jams, jellies and more
  • holiday baking: fruit cakes, bars, pies and other seasonal items that can be baked ahead of time

Start dripping out recipe content for these in November. I’d start the first week!

You can also do related email content:

  • how to host or plan a cookie swap
  • how to create a cookie platter to gift
  • how to create your own labels for jams and jellies or boxed candies
  • how to package food for gifting (or shipping!)
  • baking pantry checklists
an overhead view of a thanksgiving dinner table with pumpkin pie, a turkey, roasted potatoes and decor of cranberries, leaves, apple and pinecones. A text box is overlayed outlining the November email newsletter ideas that are mentioned in the blog post


People start planning early! They are pinning content so make sure to include some easy “pin now” button in your emails for recipes they might like to save for later.

  • party prep
  • party ideas
  • decor
  • appetizers
  • cocktails
  • open houses and buffets

Think of ways you can put a spin on these for your audience:

  • budget-friendly
  • vegan or vegetarian
  • non-alcoholic
  • prep and make ahead
  • hosting gifts


  • all the squashes!
  • root veggies: carrots, beets, potatoes, turnips, parsnips etc
  • kale and other hearty greens like swiss chard
  • Brussels sprouts
  • cranberries
  • pomegranates
  • citrus season begins
  • cabbage
  • apples and pears


As always, these are ideas to help you brainstorm. Adapt them to fit your audience and your niche, which you know better than anyone else.

Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to this time last year. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit. If your audience doesn’t care about sports, skip the sports content!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your November newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!



October Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

October Newsletter Ideas For Food Bloggers

October is just the start of the busy holiday season. Work ahead with these October email newsletter ideas for food bloggers and food content creators.

October is when things really start to get busy for food bloggers and content creators and you will have no shortage of content ideas.

A lot of food content creators up their send email send frequency as we get into Q4 – especially if their audience is focused on baking or entertaining. This isn’t necessary – especially if you’re already emailing multiple times a week – but it is a great way to give your traffic an additional boost through the season where RPMs tend to be at their highest.

But, you’ll definitely want to plan for this. As we’ve talked about before, repurpose your older content in your emails – the more of it you have, the less work you’ll have to do! Work as far ahead as you’re able to – it will be less work in December!


Canadian Thanksgiving: October 14th (2024)
Halloween: October 31st
Diwali: Oct 29 – Nov 3 (2024) with the main festivities happening on Nov 1.

  • Canadian Thanksgiving is a huge food holiday so even if you’re an American content creator, it’s worth making mention of it – perhaps you could put together a mini guide of links to your most popular Thanksgiving content and pop it in one of your emails.
  • Halloween – more down below (it deserves it’s own section!)
  • Diwali runs from October 29th – November 3 (2024) with the main festivities happening on November 1st. Mid October is a great time to start trickling out content if this is a good fit for you.
  • If you have digital products (ebooks, shopping lists, menu planners etc,) around preparing for any of the remaining holidays in the year  – Halloween, Thanksgiving, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, or New Years now is the time to be actively promoting them to your list every week for the remainder of the year.


Halloween content is becoming almost as big as Christmas and people are looking for a lot of fun ideas and activities – and they’re planning in advance! Halloween planning seems to happen earlier and earlier every year. I think you can safely start promoting your Halloween content in early October – earlier if your audience is looking for it!

This is a great time to flex your creative muscles with spooky content:

  • Pumpkin: It’s all things pumpkin from now until… well… the end of the year really! Don’t just focus on sweets. Remember savory applications, beverages and using up all the remains of the pumpkin to avoid waste and jack’o’lantern ideas
  • Party foods: the spookier, creepier and more fun, the better: Halloween charcuterie boards, anything with eyeballs in it (pasta, punch, brownies), ghoulish cocktails – let your imagination go to town, and fun baked goods that look like monsters and scary creatures!
  • Halloween with kids: this is a great time to get kids in the kitchen and people are looking for tutorials and easy, fun recipes kids will want to help with.
  • School treats: cupcakes, bars, cookies, alternatives to sweets, nut-free – if you can make them spooky that’s even better
  • Entertaining menus: horror movie night, pre-trick or treating fuel, trick or treating after parties, fireworks block parties, adults only costume parties, party goody bags, budget friendly ideas
  • Cakes: more and more Halloween cakes are showing up as showstoppers for a party
  • Leftover candy recipes… so much candy… 🤣


It’s tailgate season! Sports are in overdrive in the fall: hockey, college football, NFL, CFL, World Series baseball… that all adds up to a lot of game day weekends!

Pull out your game day recipes: snacks, dips, wings, finger foods, chili – all the favourites!

Canadians, don’t forget Grey Cup is in November – I know from my own food blogging days that a lot of people search specifically for Grey Cup recipe ideas and it’s an under-served niche.

**Don’t forget to add in vegetarian and vegan options as well as some alcohol-free beverages – all of these are continuing to grow in popularity and it’s rare to host a gathering these days that doesn’t include meat and alochol-free guests!


Some may not agree but I think pie season is the best season!

Apple, pear, pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato, mince… and don’t forget the savoury ones! There’s also tarts, galettes, lattice tops… can you tell I love pie?

With pie comes pastry so pull out your pastry tutorials and videos and includes those in your emails too.

Spooky Halloween treats including pumpkin and ghost cookies and orange and black parfaits with googly marshmallow eyes. A text overlay shares food content ideas listed in the articule


It’s full on comfort food season and comfort food email content always does well, regardless of your food niche.

  • casseroles
  • soups
  • hearty pasta dishes
  • roast dinners
  • breads, buns and biscuits
  • potato dishes
  • anything with melted, bubbly cheese

Think of ways you can put a spin on these for your audience:

  • budget-friendly
  • diet specific: gluten-free, dairy-free, keto, etc
  • meal planning and prepping, batch cooking
  • meat-free
  • easy, weeknight friendly, under 30 minutes, etc.


Almost all the typical North American summer produce is finished by October and we’re heading into the season of root vegetables, squash, hardy greens and alliums (onions, garlic, leeks etc)

  • apples, crab apples, quince
  • pears
  • cranberries
  • pomegranates
  • carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets
  • winter squash, pumpkins
  • potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower
  • leeks, onions, fresh garlic
  • kale, Swiss chard, cabbage


How you proceed with your emails for October will depend on your audience. You know them better than anyone else. Remember that your email audience may be different from the audience that finds you through search.

Focus on what your newsletter subscribers respond to. If you have the data available in your newsletter marketing platform, look at which content they responded to last fall. Then create newsletter content that’s a good fit. If your audience doesn’t care about sports, skip the sports content!

Now’s the time to get started. Plan out your October newsletter calendar and batch write your emails. Schedule them and you’re good to go!

text on a pink background: Need Help? Get the email newsletters for food content creators. 
Every month you'll get tips to help you with your email marketing, digital product development and digital product marketing straight to your inbox!  Seasonal email prompts. Welcome series tips. Automation suggestions. Monetization Tips. Tips to combine the power of your list with the marketing of your products. Subscribe now. A yellow button with the word "subscribe"

Want More Tips?

Want more email tips? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter! Each month I write an exclusive newsletter full of tips, tricks and ideas for food content creators and their email lists!


an image of orange and chocolate striped parfaits with marshmallow googly eyes on a dark background. Text overlay reads October email newsletter ideas for food content creators. www.finelimedesigns.com